(Image: The "Crazy neighbor"/aka CN, sighting down his driveway with a rifle. Across the street is a house where three girls are about to come home from school at the time this was taken.)
I have edited and removed this post entirely. Let's just say that when someone tells the boro attorney that you don't like what the chief of police is telling people because it is both untrue AND an invasion of privacy that he is sharing information about you, the reaction of the town is to immediately punish YOU and the person that told you about this.
I am neither a genius nor is "there a thin line between genius and insanity". Time to sell my house, move and sue this town.
And the guy with the guns is still playing with them in his garage, whenever I am outside in my yard. Chickenshit sits hidden in his garage, but the sound is unmistakable. What a waste of oxygen atoms.
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