If you haven't done so already, get your ass out of the chair and GO VOTE. Given what is at stake, this is probably the most important election of our lifetimes. If the Republicans maintain their control over Washington, expect a draft to prop up the puppets in Iraq and Afghanistan, and march ever onward towards the rich oil fields of Iran's Gulf of Persia. Expect more spying on the lives of ordinary people under the guise of controlling "terrorism". Expect more body searches, more secret courts, more detainees held in secret prisons, more revelations of torture, more fear-mongering, and more real reasons to fear our own government.
We have begun the short march towards quasi-religious fascism in this country under the guise of Mom, apple pie and keeping us safe from the Islamo-fascists. But we need to make sure that the fascists in our own back yard do not get a greater toe-hold and greater empowerment.
If they do, the next election will be a moot point - if it isn't already too late.
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