I am honored to be a particpant in the
2996 Project, where bloggers from all over the US and world will each be honoring a victim of the 9/11 attacks. The link to the project's home page is also in my sidebar.
My dad used to say that I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. (Dad said a lot of things that nowadays would get you reported to Child Protective Services.) I have my own opinions about life, the universe and everything, and, dammit, you all better listen up now or I'll get out the wooden spoon....
My dad used to say that I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. (Dad said a lot of things that nowadays would get you reported to Child Protective Services.) I have my own opinions about life, the universe and everything, and, dammit, you all better listen up now or I'll get out the wooden spoon....
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