Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In case anyone is wondering

...why I haven't been here:

My computer is terminally ill.

My mommieboard is rebooting the machine at random intervals due to a short I've been trying to repair for three weeks. I have now surrendered, and will be replacing it sometime next week, along with my processor(s).

At one point, I was reduced to picking my bookmark file out of recovered clusters with a hex editor. (I am too much a geek, I realized, when I thought about having the forethought to even know HOW to do that.) It is a wonderful thing, the way Ex-Pee handles application data. You can lose more files with even greater speed now than under the older versions. Plus restore totally useless Restore points to find nothing has been fixed because of the way Restore works.

No wonder Bill Gates has the manse in Washington, and I'm here freezing in Joisy.

Back-ups are a wonderful thing, though. Thank god someone had already thought of them before Bill came along, or I'd be REALLY screwed.

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